Privacy Policy

YSB Teknik Endüstriyel Bant ve Hırdavat Enerji Müh. Hiz. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“YSB Teknik”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of individual-specific information (referred to as “Information”) collected about our customers, prospective customers, or anyone else who is interested in visiting our website (referred to as “Customers”, “you” or “your”) located at (referred to as “our website”). This Privacy Policy discloses the type of Information we may gather about you and how we may use it. At YSB Teknik, it is our intention to give you as much control as possible over your privacy in regard to your Information and the use we make of it in the course of your visit to and any interaction with our website.

  1. Types of Information 
    We receive two types of information from Customers who visit our website: (1) data that Customers provide through communication on our website; and (2) data YSB Teknik gathers through aggregated tracking procedures, such as tallying the number of page views throughout our website over a given period of time. This Information enables us to tailor our website content to better meet the needs of our Customers. However, we assure you that YSB Teknik will not disclose your personal Information to third parties without first obtaining your consent.
  2. How Does YSB Teknik Collect Information?
  3. Communication: Information may be collected if you communicate with us through our website. Generally, this occurs when you request information or a service from us.
  4. Usage tracking:
    1. Use of IP Addresses: An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re surfing the Internet. Web servers automatically identify your computer by its IP address.
    2. Use Of Cookies: Cookies are bits of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies make Web surfing easier for you by saving your preferences while you visit our website. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and, as such, you’ll encounter them at most major websites.

By showing how and when Customers use our website, cookies help us see which areas are popular and which are not. Many improvements and updates to our website are based on data collected using cookies, such as the total number of visitors and pages viewed in a given period of time. This kind of information is most easily tracked using cookies.

We may use cookies to track Customer trends and patterns. This helps us to better understand our Customers’ needs and to improve areas of YSB Teknik and/or its affiliates’ services that our Customers may find valuable. While all of these situations depend on the use of a cookie, you always have the option of disabling the receipt of cookies on your computer by adjusting the cookies setting in you Web browser preferences.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your Web browser to either refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent, with a concurrent option to accept or receive the cookie. However, note that some of the services offered on our website will not function properly or may be considerably slower if you refuse to receive cookies. For example, without cookies, you will not be able to set personalized preferences. You might also encounter difficulties participating in online transactions offered on our website from time to time.

This website uses the following cookies:

Google Analytics:

This cookie allows us to see information on user website activities including, but not limited to page views, source and time spend on website. The information is depersonalized and is displayed as numbers, meaning it cannot be tracked back to individuals. This will help to protect your privacy. Using Google Analytics we can see what content is popular on our website, and strive to give you more of the things you enjoy reading and watching.

Google Ads:

Using Google AdWords code we are able to see which pages helped lead to contact form submissions. This allows us to make better use of our paid budget.


We use Hotjar to improve our services and provide you with a satisfying experience when you visit our web site.

Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager.

Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on –


  1. With Whom Does YSB Teknik Share Your Information?
    As a general rule, YSB Teknik will not disclose any of your Information except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the law requires it or under other specified circumstances. For example, YSB Teknik may disclose account Information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this Information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating YSB Teknik’s Terms of Conditions and Use or may be causing (either intentionally or unintentionally) injury to or interference with YSB Teknik’s rights or property, other YSB Teknik Customers, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities. YSB Teknik may disclose or access account Information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it and for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service, and improve our products and services.


  1. What happens when you link to a third party site?
    You should be aware that when you are on our website you could be directed to other sites that are beyond our control. There may, from time to time, be links to other sites from YSB Teknik’s and/or its affiliates’ webpages that take you outside our service areas. These other sites may send their own cookies to Customers, or otherwise collect data or solicit Information.

YSB Teknik and its affiliates do not control such sites, and, therefore, are not responsible for their content. YSB Teknik’s and/or its affiliates’ provision of hyperlinks to these sites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such sites or any association with their operators. Our Privacy Policy does not extend to anything that is inherent in the operation of the Internet and which is beyond the control of YSB Teknik and its affiliates.

Please keep in mind that whenever you give out Information online (for example, via message boards or chat lines), that Information can be collected and used by people you don’t know. While YSB Teknik and its affiliates strive to protect their Customers’ Information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any Information you disclose online and so you disclose such Information at your own risk.

  1. Your Acceptance of This Policy
    By using our website, you signify your agreement with and acceptance of YSB Teknik’s Privacy Policy. If you do not accept this Privacy Policy, please do not use our website in any way. Your continued use of YSB Teknik’s and/or its affiliates’ sites following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you are deemed to have accepted such changes, regardless of whether YSB Teknik provides you with additional notice of such changes. Accordingly, you should periodically review this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Protection Policy Changes

In the future, we may need to change this Policy. All changes will be included in this policy so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone. This Policy was last updated on July 7, 2022.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us.